Wednesday, February 16, 2011 SMSNAYBERS

SMS NAYBERS is used to communicate with your neighbours instantly!

With SMS NAYBERS you will be able to communicate freely and easily with your group of neighbours through one SMS.
It will be cost affective and simple.
You will be able to make your neighbours aware of any security issues you may have.

You will also be able to communicate about :

* Lost Pets
* No Electricity
* Party Notifications/Get-Togethers
* Meetings
*If you need support or you have been hurt

You as a neighbour are able to type 1 text message on your cell phone and your SMS will be sent to ALL your neighbours that have formed a
group with SMS NAYBERS in your street / complex INSTANTLY!
You only pay for 1 SMS.

SMS NAYBERS is used for messages you want to communicate to your neighbours quickly!

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